Gaurav was admitted in the hospital last Wednesday due to Neutropenia (side effect of Chemotherapy). He is recovering from low blood counts. Hopefully, his blood counts should improve substantially in a day or two and he should be discharged (historical data of past 3 chemos suggests this!!).
The donor search is taking agnozingly long. It is a frustrating experience when you do not know what to expect when. Unfortunately, we are in that situation where we are not sure how many days does donor search take! However, once this is resolved positively, Gaurav can straight away proceed for transplant.
Simultaneously, we are in the process of evaluating the transplant centers. As mentioned in the previous update, we have received quotes from Australia, Israel and UK. We are trying to get few quotes from the US; no major success yet. Your (those in the US) help here is appreciated.
On financial front, we have crossed the 1 Crore mark this week; we are at 1.06Cr (Approx US$235,000). Thank you all for your generous contributions. It is only with help from all of you that this is made possible. I am falling short of words to appreciate the support we have received for this campaign. I hope for continued support till we meet the target.